We-the DG zombie students. With our BFF, Maya<3 lotsa love <3~
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
DG075-2-mates<3-------------------- Hella Jason Jia Ning Jonathan Kae Wen Loke Wan Michelle Sau Keong Sin Yee Vernie Yen Yee Zhen Ning -------------------- DG075-2's DA Other Majors -------------------- IL075-1 MM075 Lecturer/Tutor -------------------- Darren -------------------- TOA
It would be very well appreciated if you did not touch this section. We all like honest people now, don't we. Layout: TM|DD Inspiration/icon: thefulcrum&underwent |
Welcome to class DG075-2's own blog :) This blog is still under construction.. Basically, this blog is for announcement, posting your artwork, posting dunno what latest technology or the most recent gossip you heard about some new couple in our class or things like that.. Well.. you get the idea :) For those who are interested to join this blog as well, please leave your email so that I can add you and you can start posting :) Till then, byebye XD #EDIT: UHHHH... sorry for super cute layout.. It's only temporarily... hehehe.. Sooo, If you don't like it, I'll change it.. :P posted by DG075-2 at 3:05 AM 1 Comments: By niku-niku, at November 3, 2008 at 3:18 AM <$BlogItemCreate$> |